Vision without execution is a daydream. Execution without vision is a nightmare.

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Reading I Materials
1. Word Parts; Roots and Affixes
2. Simple and Compound Sentence
3. Text Types
4. Organizational Pattern of a Paragraph
5. Elements of a Paragraph and Passage
6. Reading Techniques
7. Reading Difficulties

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Debate Motions for English Club

  • THBT Mining can be the best sector in increasing Indonesian's economy.
  • THBT Multiparty supports the democracy system.
  • THBT The suspected terrorists must be tortured.
  • THBT  Komodo as the New Seven Wonders is the important priority.
  • THBT Women leaders offer different perspectives of a nation.
  • THBT U.S.A should encourage UN to intervene Iran for their nuclear program.
  • THBT Incumbents should give more chances to the young candidates in Merangin's Election 2013.
  • THBT Indonesia stops the Moratorium of Indonesian Women Labor.
  • THBT Facebook should be banned for increasing the numbers of prostitution.
  • THBT Illiteracy children must be denied to enter Elementary School.
  • THBT Industries should be responsible for the carbon emission.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011


Learning Groups in Indonesia
Penmas (Pendidikan Masjarakat), the Directorate of Community Education/ Ministry of Education/ Indonesia, serves as the government’s major organization for out – of – school education; its responsibilities include vocational education, women’s education, community education/ technology development (education related to national development efforts) and fundamental education (particularly, literacy and numeracy). With headquarters in Jakarta, Penmas has a total of about 6.500 staff members throughout Indonesia at each level of the government administrative structure: propinsi (province) – kepala bidang (provincial Penmas Director); kabupaten (district) – kepala seksi (head, Penmas section); kecamatan (sub – district) – penilik (Penmas field worker); and desa (village) – penggerak (Penmas volunteer organizer).
From 1973 – 1975, Penmas, in cooperation with World Education, Inc. (New York), conducted a project designed to develop an effective village – level approach (or approaches) for family life planning education. During the second year of the project, an innovative “model” evolved at one of the five project sites, Lembang, near Bandung in West Java: a network of autonomous learning groups, in which learners assumed major responsibility for what and how they learned. This case study will focus on the development, characteristics, and functioning of these groups.
What is the meaning of “learning groups in Indonesia”? Explain and give examples!
What is the meaning of ‘family life planning education”?
What does the text tell about? Explain with your own words!

Rabu, 06 April 2011

The Functions of Theory

Educators may ask, “Why do we need theory at all?” The aim of science is to understand phenomena studied. Certainly, most people would accept this statement in relation to theory. Even philosophers require theory to question what is knowledge, what is reality, and what is of value?
Theory comes from the Greek word theoria connoting “wakefulness of mind.” It is a type of “pure viewing” of truth. Theory explains reality; it makes people aware of their world and its interactions. Many writers have ascribed four functions to theory: (1) description; (2) prediction; (3) explanation; and (4) guidance.” Although some writers disagree about which function is paramount, most view all as important and as closely related.
1. Description
Description provides a narrative classification of knowledge in a particular theoretical field. It furnishes a structure through which individual’s interpretations of complex activities can be verified. It organizes and summarizes knowledge. A theory “tells” us that there are certain variables and that they interact in particular ways or has certain relationships to other variables; it does not indicate why certain variables are important nor they are interrelated. Theory

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Sejauh Mana "Tenses" Anda?

Kajian mengenai tenses dalam bahasa Inggris merupakan permasalahan klasik. Namun, masih saja ditemui komentar – komentar di kalangan pembelajar bahasa Inggris bahwa menguasai tenses adalah sesuatu yang rumit. Asumsi seperti inilah yang acapkali menggiring kita tidak pernah tuntas secara gramatikal dalam menyusun kalimat bahasa Inggris. Djuharie (2003) menyatakan bahwa tenses adalah ruh dari tata bahasa Inggris, tidak menguasai tenses sering dianalogikan dengan tidak memahami dan tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris. Dari pernyataan ini disimpulkan betapa pentingnya penguasaan tenses sebagai dasar bagi seseorang yang ingin mahir memproduksi kalimat – kalimat bahasa Inggris baik dalam konteks ilmiah maupun aktivitas sehari – hari.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011


English words have been traditionally classified into eight lexical categories, or parts of speech (and are still done so in most dictionaries):
• Noun: any abstract or concrete entity
• Pronoun: any substitute for a noun or noun phrase
• Adjective: any qualifier of a noun
• Verb: any action or state of being
• Adverb: any qualifier of an adjective, verb, or other adverb
• Preposition: any establisher of relation and syntactic context
• Conjunction: any syntactic connector
• Interjection: any emotional greeting (or "exclamation")